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We stand in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and the rest of the 99% throughout our country and the world. We stand in protest of the greed and corruption of our government and the 1% who bankroll them. We are striving to affect change locally by raising awareness through marches, sit-ins, and other non-violent tactics, as well as through social outreach.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Occupy Martinsburg, WV 1st Protest 10/15/2011"

Approximately 100 people came out on Saturday, Oct 15, 2011 to show their support for the Occupy Martinsburg Movement and participated in the protest event here in Martinsburg, WV
We are the 99%
There were a few shouts of displeasure, but overall it was a nice day and and everyone felt that they did their best to get the word out that
We will not stay silent...
Many are asking but why Occupy Martinsburg?
Why not? We are tired of the political greed, while our citizens suffer. WVa ranks one of the highest in this country for poverty. Though people turn their backs and ignore it, homelessness in Martinsburg is growing. Adults and children in our community are going to bed hungry every night.
If the politicians in power cared WVa would not have the statistics that it has, they would be doing something for this state.
Where are the Jobs? Politicians are doing nothing. So it's time to speak out against the turned backs of politicians, the greed in Washington, on Wall St. and say
Everyone has their own reasons for getting and being involved. This is not about any one political party (as is being assumed)by the uninformed general public. We are all the 99%.
The Martinsburg movement is above just holding protests and rally's, we want to help give back to this community in many ways by holding fund raisers.
Planned fund raisers include: Clothing drives, a food drive, collecting blankets, coats, hats, and winter weather clothing for the homeless.
If you are a church or organization even a private citizen who would like to help by participating, please send an email to:
Also if you would like to make a donation in support, private donations can be sent to: Occupy Martinsburg c/o:Jan Brosario (info coming soon)In the meantime, if you would like more information on how you can help, please contact the email address above and your emails will be directed to the proper sources.

1 comment:

  1. you call the occupy a revolution. while you are occupy everthing you should read the book Left or Right George Orwell
